Sunday, December 15, 2019

Educational Blogging?? Yes!

Towards the end of December, I always end up creating new goals. When I first started dating my husband (we're coming up on 12 years ago!), he started involving me in creating a "Visual Board." This so-called "Visual Board" displays your ambitions and expectant achievements by using words, phrases, quotes, or images straight from magazine articles or websites. The goal of the board is to put it in your path (i.e closet, wall)  to remind you of your aspirations. It's helped me so far with specific achievements I've had in mind.

You're probably wondering why I'm writing this and why you're reading this. Well, here is another goal to add to my next visual board list; to create an Educational Blog. To me, creating this blog will educate others who don't want to read lengthy articles, will inform those not involved in education, and will also help me continue my research and interests in education.   Also, it may improve my expressive writing tone. I am used to formal writing because I teach some classes at a university and don't typically write for fun, unfortunately.

In this blog, I hope to accomplish specific educational trends and statistics all within both in higher education and or in elementary/secondary school settings. Maybe I'll also do some running articles as well since that topic also is something that interests me.  The goal, for now, though, is one article a week.  Well, that's all I have to share for now. Thanks for reading!

8 professional development goals for creating a bright PR ...

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